by Gordon Helle, MCDA President


One of the great parts of living in Minnesota is experiencing the seasons changing around you. As I sit here writing, I’m amazed at the different ways that the trees around me respond to the changes. Some drop their leaves at the first hint of cold. Others will hold onto them until long past the first snow. While some trees have a makeup that allows them to stay the same all year round.

Working in career development affords us the opportunity of working with people through seasons of change. Whether it is assessing interest and personality to figure out what career is best; teaching techniques for representing oneself well in an interview; coaching around building an effective network; or giving guidance on revising a resume, every person we meet is responding as best as they know how to the various external and internal factors in their lives.

We have the honor of providing extra support in these seasons of change. Because each individual we meet with comes with different background, it is up to us to meet them where they are and provide what they need when they need it.

I had the pleasure of attending the MCDA fall event on October 22 where I learned new skills for coaching clients on using LinkedIn and Twitter in their job search. The world of work is constantly changing as is the way that effective job seekers engage with it. As career professionals, it is our ethical responsibility to stay up to date both in effective techniques as well as our skills as coaches and counselors.

During this season of change, I would encourage you to take a step toward updating some facet of your professional toolbox. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Attend an event to learn a new coaching/counseling technique
  • Research articles on best practices in one area of career development
  • Schedule a time to meet with a career professional you admire to learn from them
  • Watch videos on micro-skills you can develop and implement immediately
  • Identify a new population you would like to serve with your existing career development skills and learn the greatest challenges they face

Each new skill we learn gives us something to offer those we meet. So take this time during our changing season to reflect, target, and grow in meaningful ways. Your clients will be glad that you did!